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If you have any concerns or questions regarding SEND please contact Mrs J Keyser, our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) via the School Office

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities is a title used to describe a range of learning needs whether they be Physical, Intellectual, Social, Emotional, Cognitive or Behavioural.  At Hillmead we focus on the needs of the child.

We are proud to be an inclusive school.  Our school provides a broad and balanced curriculum for all our children. We will try to ensure that the Special Educational Needs of children are identified early, thoroughly assessed and comprehensively provisioned. If a child has a Special Educational Need or Disability we aim to create an environment to meet that need.

Our goal is to meet each child’s needs through effective differentiation and support.  We will make reasonable adjustment to our systems to meet needs as well as offering additional provision when appropriate.

Examples of support include: a teacher seeking advice from the SEND Coordinator (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) or an external agency and providing additional support and individual programmes; a Learning Support Assistant working alongside a child with Special Educational Needs; and deploying a wide range of additional resources offered to assist children with Special Educational Needs to access the curriculum.

Teachers differentiate the work, set appropriate objectives and achievable targets. The new SEND Code of Practice encourages support through an Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle. We always work closely with parents and their child. Parents are able to meet the SEND Coordinator or the class teacher to discuss their child's progress, needs and problems and work together to find solutions to enable each child to make the best progress they can..

For more specific information, please see Hillmead's SEND Information Report which answers the set of questions all schools are required to address on their website.