Our Values and Ethos
Statement of Values and Ethos
Hillmead Primary School is a community school where children are valued as individuals. We foster the spirit of kindness in our community, encouraging our children to respect and care for one another. Every child at Hillmead School is valued as a learner. Our expectations for pupils are high, we want them to work hard and achieve well, making the most of the opportunities offered to them during their time with us at school. We encourage our children to be explorers, investigators and above all else, learners with a curiosity for learning about the world around them.
Hillmead Primary School aims:
- To provide children with a safe and caring environment in which they will flourish and thrive
- To promote children's spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding
- To encourage children to see learning as valuable and a purposeful endeavour, which can be both enjoyable and challenging
- To promote an understanding of healthy living, both in body and mind and support children to take and active part in making sensible decisions about their health and wellbeing
- To develop a sense of responsibility and respect for the school, the community and the world at large and to be responsible global citizens
- To recognise and celebrate pupil's achievements, both in and out of school
Our Vision
Education means so much more than just achieving good examination results; we believe that there is a whole range of qualities and skills which one must acquire and nurture to thrive in an increasingly challenging world.
Our Vision is to inspire pupils to become life-long learners who are inquisitive, have a thirst for knowledge and are ready to face the challenges of a modern world.
We aim to do this through providing a stimulating, caring and safe environment for our pupils, to ensure that every child achieves their full potential and matures into a well- rounded individual.
We believe in promoting:
The WHole Child
Love for Learning